Sunday 6 December 2015

English Notes for quick revision

1. Keats was a romantic poet who believed in the importance of sensation and its pleasures which included taste, touch and smell as well as hearing
and sight.

2. Shelley ’s weaknesses as a writer have always been evident; rhetorical abstraction; intellectual arrogance; and movements of intense self-pity. But in great poems like the "West Wind" or great prose works like "Defence", it is precisely these limitations that he transcends, and indeed
3. Mathew Arnold describes Shelley “a beautiful and ineffectual angel beating in the void his luminous wings in vain”.
4. “In Hamlet we see a great, an almost enormous intellectual activity and a proportionate aversion to real action consequent upon it.” Coleridge.
5. Hemingway’s ‘Old Man and the Sea’ is perhaps his most sustained attempt to unite the actual and symbolic under one continuous narrative roof. It is said of Jane Austen that she involves the
Critical Intelligence’ of her readers. The prevailing interest is not only in ‘aesthetic delight’ but also in a sense of moral conviction.

6. “ Jane Austen’s view of life is the view of the eighteenth century civilization of which she was the last exquisite blossom. One might call it the moral realistic view. Jane Austen was profoundly moral.” (David Cecil).

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